Secure My
Microsoft 365 Tenant
For all Microsoft plans
Compatible with Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and the two most recent most recent versions of macOS.
Talk with a sales expertTo speak with a sales expert, call 1-307-529-0549. Avaliable Mon to Fri from 8:00AM to 5:00PM Eastern Time.
Annual subscription-auto renews
Prevent known and zero-day malware with multiple Antivirus engines and next-generation dynamic scans. Detect hidden malicious content. Leverage powerful threat Intelligence to stay ahead of emerging threats.
Prevent lateral phishing with a zero approach, scanning 100% of traffic at any scale with lighting fast technology.
Block known malicious URLs based on leading URL reputation engines. Catch unknown malicious URLs with a unique image recognition engine. Unpack deeply embedded, hidden phishing attempts and leverage
Detect and multiple account takeover attacks by detecting of anomalies suggesting an account compromise, and swift response by the incident response team.
Prevent payload-less attacks and impersonation attempts Through machine-learning algorithms with IP reputation SPF, DKIM and DMARC record checks. Reduce “further along the line” BEC attacks with threat intelligence, phishing, and antivirus engines.
Catch advanced threats that evade conventional defenses with a unique CPU-level technology that detects and blocks attacks at the exploit stage prior to malware release
Detect hidden malicious content by recursively unpacking the content into smaller units which are then dynamically hecked by multiple engines.